Sunday 4 September 2011


today, i'm feel very sad... i don't know why..i try to calm down myself...actually i don't like to have a lover before i get will make my life is because i don't like to have a sin ... after this, i don't want to think anything and i just want to

Monday 22 August 2011

usim student's

i am one of the student's of, i live at hostel...but, for the next semester, i must live at jati...but, i don't like.. i hope my application to stay at acacia will be acceptable..i hear from my friends that fee for the hostel will be expensive... i don't know why...and now i try to find one house to, i get one house .. but. my friend's try to contact with that owner, but he can't give the answer now...because he's busy with meeting..i hoe we can rent that house before next semester... actually  i want to focus for my study, so i try to live at home...may be it's better rather than hostel...i also hope that Allah can help me in eveything i do...i very hope i can get band 4 and above in MUET examination...insyaallah..

Saturday 20 August 2011


today is family and i want hang out together to shopping for Hari Raya Festive that will be coming soon.. we think, today we want go to ECM Shopping Complex because my mother want to find a new carpet...but, my sister want to buy her is because she not buy anything for Hari Raya preparation..for me, it just enough only 4 clothes..but, i think i want ti replenish one of the blouse for casual style..i hope i will happy with Hari Raya this year..but i still need to think about my MUET examination...i also hope that ALLAH will help me to get band 4 in MUET and at least about 3.75 for my PNGK..may ALLAH bless me always and always..i trust that i can do my best in examination .. what i need is, just reading for english book...especially grammar..

Wednesday 17 August 2011

PSA ( Public Service Announcement)

today, i will learn myself how to write PSA script for television..actually, this is a one way that teach me how to write a good script ..since i was studying at Usim, i had learn many things, especially in a media subject.. i had learn how to write story script and how to be a radio DJ, besides learn about editing process. i'm very happy because it give me many information about media that i not know before.. i also want to try how to write tv script..even i not learn this things at university, but i try to find and search at internet how to write a PSA script. this is a competition that from tv1, i want to participate in order to get something new from my writing script..i hope i can be a successful person in a writing course..may Allah bless me always....insyaAllah..

Friday 5 August 2011

why the students unable to complete their task..

hello and good morning to the examiner and my fellow, i would like to talk about causes of students unable to complete their homework or school project on time..first of all, we know that most of them unable to manage their time in a proper way, automatically all of the work will not be done..this trend is still going on i will explain why the students cannot finished their task in a particular time..when they have a free time after back from school, they prefer to staring on computer screen to play a games..then, they will used their leisure time with something not benefit. furthermore, many of the students involved in extra-curricular activities such as puteri islam, persatuan pengakap and others. indirectly, when the school organize the program to do a festival in the school, they will busy because want to participate in that program. besides that, the pupil also overloaded with assignments that the teacher give at the school..

Saturday 30 July 2011

new title..

i wake up early this is because i have an English class today..but , just some students come to the class..everyone have their may be they can't attend to the class..but, everything is, we have to make an essay which is about " what you did before come to the class"? we had learn about the topic "simple present tense"..i'm very happy because it tell about grammar..i'm not too expert in this major, so i want to improve my grammar in english so that i can communicate with other people in a proper way and very i got something new about grammar and also have a formula how to memorize all of the subject today.. by the way, i hope i can do more practice to make a correction from my mistake either in writing or communication..i've to go now..after this, i will try do my best in my writing..may Allah bless me always and forever... ameenn..^^

Friday 29 July 2011

my happiness..

Yesterday, I had discussed with my lovely friend about our engagement day.....we think it should be next year before my will be on February 2011 .. and the wedding day will be after 6 or 7 month after our engagement day...i hope the implementation will be complete and not too much problem.. my preparation is just to search the proper costume and some present to give to my fiancee..we should also find a photographer to snap our picture in that day..i also pray so that my parents most gracious to give me happiness in my life..i just want happy with someone that i very loved..i hope my MUET examination will be pass and i hope i will get band 3 and above..insya, i want gift from my parents is my engagement with him... may Allah bless us everyday..i hope you all can pray for our happiness for the future.. (",)

Tuesday 26 July 2011

describing people.. ^^

hi...yesterday, i went to english class..and we all had learned about how to describe someone..or more exactly is how to describe people..especially someone that we like.. ah! so sweet.. umm..i am so excited about everything i have learned.. okey.. i had got many new words.. such as lanky, is mean that someone have a thin body..and goatee is the men that have some beard on their face.i like.. =) i also love who has a sideburns, bushy and wearing a smart clothes.. bushy just used for's mean that they have many beard..and i also like men that having a charming smile..i hope that one day i will get that person to become partner in my life..

Sunday 24 July 2011

i got something new today!

hello, i had a replacement class for fasting month.. so after this, we not have any class except one week in early august..i'm very happy today because we all learn something title..asking for and giving direction.. thanks God  ..i understand what the teacher had teaches me.. actually i'm not so happy because i got the group with someone that i dislike..whatever it is, i must participated and discussed with them..hummm....i'm sad.. =(

Saturday 16 July 2011

experience with my family..

hi guys. ! yesterday, my family and i went to the shopping complex to buy a new english dictionary. i'm very happy because my intention was implemented. =) thank you to my sister because support her money to buy the dictionary..after this, i will do my best in english... read english articles, news, english blog and more..whatever it is, i must be the best student for my faculty to get award when i graduate next year.. may Allah bless me.. =)

Sunday 10 July 2011

i'm new here

today is a first day for me to start learn english  very well.. i like to share with you all about essay writing.. actually when we write an essay, we should write using a linkers and variety of vocabulary.. when i went to the english class last thursday, my teacher told us how to speak papers in a good way.. many people didn't know how to speak fluently, but for me, thanks to Allah because give me special things, which is, i can speak very well even in english , arabic or mandarin..but i must be speak everyday so that something i learn before not lost from my mind..i very hope that i can get MUET band 4 and above... i hope ALLAH will hear my problems..thanks ya Allah ! =)

Saturday 2 July 2011

happy sunday !

First of all, thank you Allah because give me an opportunity to live today and  having a fresh air and, i just stay at home...nothing to do...just want to study english for MUET examination that will be coming soon next semester..i like to have a story to tell here..but, maybe today i'm not have interesting story to share..otherwise, we will continue next time.. =)

Friday 1 July 2011

try to speak in english.. are you there... i'm marahaini.. i'm one of the new blogger here... i'm still to learn how to speak fluently and in a good way in english.. however, i hope this blog can give benefit to us ..especially like me as a university student... enjoy your holiday ! see you again.. ^^

Wednesday 15 June 2011

sejernih cahaya..

salam pertemuan buat kalian.. dalam blog nie,just nak same2 share dengan korang tentang kehidupan kita...hari-hari yang kita lalui ... ermm..tentunya pelbagai ragam dan  macam2 masalah yang dihadapi kan... tapi jangan lupa,ALLAH sentiasa ada bersama kita..apa pun masalah yang dihadapi , mengadu lah hanya pada ALLAH.. Percayalah, jika kita yakin Allah itu ada, kita luahkan segalai si hati kita hanya pada Nya.. DIA akan membantu kita..tapi, kita hendaklah jauhkan diri kita dari segala larangan yang telah ALLAH larang... ikut segala perintah ALLAH dan tinggal kan segala dosa..maksiat..khususnya kepada para remaja sekarang.. apa yang zahir, kebanyakan mereka memandang remeh soal ber ' couple ' . tidak dinafikan lagi, terlalu ramai yeng menjalinkan kisah percintaan hinggakan terlupa adayang memerhatikan..iaitu ALLAH! Sedarilah wahai sahabat2 ku, kita di dunia hanyalah sementara, kenapakita tak cari dan kumpul pahala banyak2..?? sebaliknya dosa..??fikir2 kan...dunia akhir zaman..bertaubatlah sebelum terlambat... sama2 muhasabah diri agar menjadi mukmin yang bertaqwa.. insya ALLAH.. AMeenn.. =)

Saturday 4 June 2011


 " Wanita yang cantik tanpa peribadi yang mulia, umpama kaca mata yang bersinar-sinar tapi tak melihat apa-apa.." so, sebagai wanita haruslah menjaga budi pekerti agar menjadi wanita solehah...kerana seindah hiasan dunia adalah wanita slehah.. ^_^

 " kekecewaan yang lalu mengajar kita erti kehidupan..jadi apa pun yang berlaku, kita mesti teruskan hidup ni .. jangan menoleh ke belakang..pada masa silam yang membawa kegelapan dalam hidup.., hargailah hidup ni dengan melakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat...pada diri sendiri dan juga kepada orang lain..

"hidup tak boleh berpandukan perasaan hati yang kadang kala boleh menjahanamkan diri sendiri.
Perkara utama yang mesti kita fikir ialah menerima sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu perkara dengan baik berlandaskan kenyataan.." >>jangan terlalu ikutkan emosi <<


pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran yang dilalui dalam hidup ni kan... suka, duka, tawa, nangis...semuanya dah sebati dalam diri ni... tapi jangan diikutkan sangat emosi...moga kita semua tabah dalam menghadapi hari-hari yang mendatang dengan lebih baik..berbekalkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan yang ada dalam diri.. semoga hidup di dunia ini di berkati oleh Nya.. ameen..


Syukur kepada Allah kerana masih berkesempatan untuk menulis di laman blog ini.. moga ia sedikit sebanyak dapat memberi manfaat kepada kita semua untuk menambah maklumat yang sedia ada.. **

kata hati..^__^

salam perkenalan...moga kalian bahagia selalu...success in ur whole life... i'm here to share something benefit to u all..thanks..